foerstel : creative + results

the original protein bar

We were fortunate enough to be asked to work with Native American Natural Foods on new branding and package design for their buffalo-meat based protein bar. It’s a really great product! As far as clean, low-fat, low-calorie protein goes these bars hit the bullseye, so to speak: 7 grams of protein for 70 calories using sustainably raised, grass-fed happy buffalo meat. The brand name is Tanka, which comes from the Native American language; to “be tanka” is to live your best life. Here is the package before we went to work on it:


The client was awesome to work with, and very open to basically starting over from scratch, even though they were already selling product online and in the stores and had a very loyal following. The key was they were selling in the beef jerky section and wanted to be in the protein/energy bar section to increase their exposure and gain new customers. The new package is designed to look more sophisticated and authentic, and do a better job of communicating the benefits of the product, which will help it compete in that overwhelmingly crowded protein bar category. Here is the new package design:

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