foerstel : creative + results

space and energy

From hydropower plants to nuclear waste storage containers, energy infrastructure plays a huge role in our daily lives, yet very few people know what these facilities look like from within. For nearly two years, photographer Luca Zanier traveled throughout Switzerland and Germany, obtaining restricted access to to capture insider views of energy systems. The results are collected in Space and Energy, a series that depicts the architecture of energy as we’ve never seen it before.
From his artist statement:

Nuclear power plants, coal-fired power stations, storage facilities for nuclear waste and other energy systems can at the same time intimidate and fascinate a visitor. They seem to have originated from other planets or science-fiction films. Strange worlds, emanating a cool logic; cathedrals of industry, temples of an energy-guzzling society. Energy systems are hidden universes, accessible to very few people, highly protected against accidents and terroristic attacks.

Using an ALPA 12 large-format digital camera, Zanier focused on shapes, colors and perspectives, pulling pure information to the background to highlight the abstract complexity of these hidden places.

…you can view even more of his series here.

[via shft]

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