foerstel : creative + results

shockingly controversial ads

Advertising makes the world go around. It’s estimated that on any given day in the developed world, you’re exposed to the Coke logo a minimum of 5 times in a mere 24 hours. What a scary statistic that is.
As shows like Mad Men & movies like The Greatest Movie Ever Sold have highlighted, the power of advertising allows brands to influence our childhood desires & adult choices – and they do so each with their own unique personality, tone and aesthetic. There’s a reason McDonalds spends $2,000,000,000 a year on advertising to get you to consume their Big Macs and convince you “I’m Lovin’ It”.
But as political correctness has evolved and as the gender inequality gap has narrowed – advertisers have also adapted and moved with the times. The idea is to appeal after all….
You could almost say that advertising is reflection of what society (by and large) deems as an acceptable reflection of their views. Which is way we’ve selected a collection of genuine adverts from several decades ago to feature. Out of the advertisements below, they’d ALL be banned today for their unappealing sexist, racist, controversial and politically incorrect slogans, undertones and straplines. It’s truly amazing that these were even in circulation and considered the norm not that long ago!

[via Desizn World]

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