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Product Packaging Design Process in 7 Steps

What is Product Packaging?

Packaging is one of the most overlooked elements when producing a product. Packaging is important to inform your customers about your product and also plays a key role in increasing sales and brand recognition when done correctly. 

The key to successful packaging is ensuring it conveys all the important information about your product that a consumer may have questions about. It is a strong marketing tool for your business and can be as simple or complex as necessary.

What is a Packaging Design?

Product packaging design is creating the visual appearance of a product to gain consumers’ attention through various marketing channels. Package design can be done in-house through a company’s design team or outsourced to specialized professionals.

Some purposes packaging design serves include:

  • Protecting the product
  • Preserving the quality and freshness of the product
  • Identifying what is inside the package
  • Providing information on the product

7 Steps to Product Packaging Design

  1. Understand Your Product
    • The first step to take in the packaging design process is to understand the purpose of your product and how the consumers will be using it. Through research, you will be able to know what will help make your product successful.
  2. Define Your Target Market
    • Once you better understand who your target audience is, you can define exactly who the consumers are and how they want to see the products presented.
  3. Prototyping
    • You can begin prototyping your product once you clearly know what kind of packaging you need. You can prototype your product either by hand or using a computer. 
  4. Testing and Iteration
    • Tweaking and adjusting the design is an important part of the design process to see what works best for your production.
  5. Select a Package Design Format and Material
    • Once you print your packaging, you want to choose the right materials for the front of your packaging. Materials such as cards, vinyl, and cardboard are more durable than paperboard, making them better for long-term storage.
  6. Develop the Graphics and Illustrations
    • When your product is ready to be launched, you will need to develop graphics and illustrations that help communicate your brand and the story behind your product. 
  7. Produce the Product Packaging
    • A strong packaging design should represent the product’s quality and create some attraction for people to buy your product. 

Read more about Packaging Design at

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