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Packaging: Beyond the Aesthetics

Types of Packaging and Materials

There are endless possibilities when it comes to the form and shape of the packaging. The materials your company chooses for its packaging can key your consumers in on what your company values and prioritizes. If your company values sustainability, your packaging should reflect those values.


Consumers are increasingly aware of the impact packaging has on the environment. Because of this, consumers tend to prioritize companies that use sustainable materials. Many consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products. Some sustainable packaging options to consider looking into include:

  • Biodegradable
  • Compostable
  • Recyclable

Upcycling and Recycling

Upcycling is when companies design their packaging in a way that can be repurposed into new product containers. Recycling packaging means it can be broken down and used for new products. Upcycling and recycling packaging have their advantages, and both promote the importance of sustainability to your business.

Topical Concerns and Considerations

Packaging design is an excellent tool for businesses to leverage to promote what is important to their brand. Although aesthetics is an essential piece of packaging design, it is not everything. Brands need to address the main concerns or questions that their consumers may have about your brand. If your packaging is designed properly, it can highlight your product’s quality while showing the importance of sustainability to your brand.

Read more about Packaging Design at

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