foerstel : creative + results

logos and science

Because you’re a professional, you know that your logo is the most important first impression you make, especially in a digital world, but do you know how the brain’s visual cortex interacts with that image, and how many milliseconds it takes to process?
No? You’re not alone. Knowing the science behind how the brain “sees” a logo can help to make sure you’re putting your best foot forward.
Logomaker has compiled the latest data on the process of how the brain sees a logo. Despite the complex nature of the process, our brain completes that process in under 400 milliseconds – that’s less than half of one second.

“We took a look through a stack of scientific journals to find out what scientists have been learning from the latest brain science—and to learn how humans “see” and think about the logos they encounter,” the company states, compiling that data into the following graphic:


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