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How to Use Interactive Content on Instagram to Elevate Your Branding

What Are Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories are a feature on Instagram that allows the account owner to share snippets of their day. This feature allows users to post multiple photos or short videos presented similar to a slideshow for the viewer. Instagram Stories allow the account owner to post as many times daily without overwhelming their viewer’s feed. Another interesting addition to Instagram Stories is that they will not appear on the account’s feed or profile grid. Stories are an excellent place for businesses to post real-time updates, sales, and information.

Shoppable Stickers

Business accounts can add shoppable stickers to promote items they sell as an interactive feature. Then, in order for the user to shop, all they have to do is tap on the item to see its name, price, and description. Instagram requires businesses to meet some eligibility criteria to use this feature. These requirements include:

  • The user must be in one of the countries where the shoppable sticker feature is available
  • Users must have an Instagram Business account connected to a Facebook catalog, BigCommerce, or Shopify account.
  • The products featured must meet Instagram’s commerce eligibility requirements and other merchant agreements.


The poll feature on Instagram Stories provide businesses with an easy way to gather information and feedback from their audience. 

  1. Poll Sticker 
    • The poll sticker lets followers pick from two customizable options. This feature is intended to be similar to a ‘this-or-that’ type of question. The poll sticker serves as a quick and easy way to understand your audience’s preferences. 
  2. Emoji Slider
    • The emoji slider is the best option to use if the business wants to gauge how its followers feel about something. 


Through the quiz feature on Instagram Stories, a business can customize multiple choice questions and responses. Quizzes are a fun way for an audience to interact as they combine three elements:

  1. Sense of Urgency
    • The quiz is only available for 24 hours, so the user feels a sense of urgency to place their answer
  2. Curiosity
    • Many users will respond to the quiz for the sole purpose of finding out the correct answer.
  3. Sense of Achievement
    • Users want to test if they will answer the question correctly and likely will feel a sense of achievement when they do


The question sticker is another simple way to gather information from your audience. This feature allows you to customize the question but leave it open-ended for the audience to reply however they want.

Learn more about Interactive Content at

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