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How to Market to Gen Z

11 Strategies to Market to Gen Z

  1. Create Channel-Specific Content
    • It is important to create content specifically for the channel you are posting on. Gen Z is on top of what is going on with each platform, so it is important to show that you know how platforms function uniquely.
  2. Keep it Short
    • Gen Z prefers content that appeases their short attention spans. Because of this, platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok perform well with the Gen Z audience.
  3. Use Video
    • Gen Z primarily uses mobile devices to view its content. Videos are a highly successful type of content within this demographic.
  4. Champion Authenticity
    • Your brand’s tone and voice must be credible and authentic in all your marketing efforts. Focus on creating authentic, real relationships with your audience. Gen Z prefers to follow brands that are authentic in everything they do.
  5. Be Transparent and Accountable
    • Your brand’s credibility and accountability are significant to Gen Z. If you are transparent with your audience, they will be more open to accepting your business if you were to make a mistake.
  6. Go to the Influencer
    • Influencer marketing continues to be a successful strategy with Gen Z. Try centering your strategy around the influencer instead of just doing a quick paid campaign. Influencers play a significant role in Gen Z’s purchasing patterns.
  7. Invite Gen Z to Participate in Your Marketing
    • Gen Z tends to be open to participating in business’s marketing. Remain genuine and ask if your consumers want to be interviewed or share about your business on social media.
  8. Get Everyone to Create
    • Encourage your Gen Z audience to create content about your business. Creating a hashtag or challenge is great for getting your audience involved.
  9. Be Fun and Adventurous
    • Gen Z is very aware of environmental and socioeconomic challenges. This being said, since they are still active on social media, they are drawn to fun and engaging content.
  10. Leverage User-Generated Content
    • With Gen Z’s desire for truth and authenticity in consideration, user-generated content typically performs the best. Using photos of real people or consumers rather than stock photography is one example of how to appeal to a Gen Z consumer.
  11. Don’t Abandon Omni-Channel Marketing
    • Although Gen Z heavily rely on their phones, keep in-person purchasing opportunities available. Many Gen Z consumers still want to shop in person when making purchases.


Read more about How to Market to Gen Z at

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