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How to Build a Brand in 10 Days

Day 1: Set the Groundwork

It is important to have a strong understanding of your industry. Conducting research on other brands and companies in the same line of business as you is a great first step. Look at the offerings the different companies provide along with their branding to help define your own business.

Day 2: Define and Differentiate

To be successful, you must differentiate your business from your competitors. The best way to differentiate yourself is to come through with a strong brand. Ask questions such as:

  • What makes my company different?
  • How do my company’s mission and values differ from other businesses?
  • What products and services do I provide that my competitors do not offer?


Day 3: Identify Your Audience so You Can Identify with Them

One way to help identify your audience is to write out in detail the demographics of your target audience. Some questions to ask when putting together this list include:

  • How old are they?
  • What gender are they?
  • Are they wealthy or middle class?
  • Where do they live?
  • Where do they shop?
  • Are they shopping at a competitor’s business?

Day 4: Find Your Voice

Once you have identified your audience, you will want to find your brand voice. You must determine how you will engage with your audience and decide which channel fits best. It is important to match your tone and language appropriately with your audience.

Day 5: Personality

Remember that your brand represents you! It is crucial to showcase your personality through the brand. These days, consumers are not satisfied with seeing brands present themselves in the same stuffy way they have done in the past. Consumers expect their needs to be met and customized in a way that suits them best.

Day 6: Share Your Story

It is important for consumers to feel like they are relating to real people, not just a big company. This becomes difficult when the brand is intended to be anonymous. One way to be sure you are still humanizing your brand is to write your copy with the tone you would typically use.

Day 7: Test and Tweak

Ask for feedback from a trusted source about the areas where your branding can improve. When you work closely with it, it can be easy to miss some details in your branding. Having an outside source look at your branding is a great way to ensure you are not missing anything.

Day 8: Professionally Create, Integrate, and Replicate

It is crucial for everything you make to be professional. Hiring out a graphic designer and marketing expert to help with your logos, websites, and strategies is an excellent way to ensure your content is of the highest quality. Everything you produce should be a strong reflection of your brand.

Day 9: Keep it Consistent

Consistency is one of the most important elements of a strong, successful brand. The goal is for your brand to be recognizable, so it is crucial that everything you produce is consistent and is well branded.

Day 10: Celebrate

Take a little break to congratulate yourself on all the hard work you put into building your brand. 

Read more about Building a Brand at

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