foerstel : creative + results

green graffiti

Put down the can of spray paint that’s full of harsh chemicals and instead try these fresh, modern and eco-kind approaches to tagging. “Green” graffiti is the newest trend in street marketing for your brand, event or message. In addition, these environmentally-friendly messages are completely organic and natural so it won’t be harmful to you or the land, plus it looks really rad.

the clean green

Powerwash away the dirt and grime from the sidewalk to reveal a super cool logo or message. This method seems to be a great option for marketing an event in particular as it’s cost-effective and time-efficient. All you really need to do is find a dirty sidewalk or concrete wall, place your stencil, powerwash the area and voilà, you’ve got your message on the ground!


the grassy green

You may remember this from a post earlier this year but it bears repeating! Guerrilla gardeners can now adorn public walls with green graffiti made from moss. Creating a mini eco-system out of living, respiring matter may say more about your message than just your logo. The best part is, it’s relatively easy to create – check out this video and recipe on how to make your own moss graffiti.

the green stamp

The most unexpected format and medium for going green with graffiti would definitely be the stamp. An imprint of your message in sand, dirt or snow in an unlikely place will certainly make any passerby look twice. Great for events or promotions on the sandy shores or snowy slopes! And although the shelf life of your message is short, luckily you can easily re-apply it to the earth, again and again.

Keep in mind anything that changes the use of an area of land or may have a visual impact or adverse impact on public buildings/access may require a permit. Please consult your city or county prior to tagging, no matter how green it is.

Sources: Earthstamp, Mossenger by Anna Garforth, Loku

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