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flower power

1601In mid-October, florists from across the country filled every nook and cranny of an abandoned house in Detroit with American-grown fresh flowers and living plants for a weekend-long installation that attracted over three thousand visitors.
Flower House was created by Lisa Waud, who says she was inspired by the large-scale artworks of Christo and Jeanne-Claude and a 2012 runway show by Raf Simons for Christian Dior.
The walls, ceilings and floors were filled with flowers—with participating florists given one of the 16 rooms to transform into a plant sanctuary.
Professional photographer Heather Saunders, who also volunteered as the project’s media coordinator, documented the entire process and breathtaking end results (prints from Flower House are available here).
Keep up with the Flower House on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

[via twisted sifter]

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