foerstel : creative + results

fashionably dressed animal portraits

When first encountering this body of photographs by Madrid-based advertising and industrial photographer Miguel Vallinas it’s easy to view it as a familiar “animals dressed as people” project. However, as you look closer you realize it’s a bit more than the usual. Aside from the solid retouching, lighting and overall execution, Vallinas took this anthropomorphic project a bit further and imagined what the fully-realized wardrobe of each animal might look like if it were wearing human clothes.
This project, titled Segundas Pieles (Second Skins), is an ongoing series that includes some 50+ animals whose personalities seem to be perfectly amplified by their pitch-perfect attire, making the portraits more like human nature facing your inner animal. We’re pretty sure the hipster bird in the cardigan works at a coffee shop in downtown Boise. The work is a continuation project from another series called simply Pieles (Skins) where the photographer portrays himself in a wide range of professions.

[via Colossal]

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