foerstel : creative + results

edible pen

Do you chew on your pen when concentrating?
Us too, and so does young Dutch designer Dave Hakkens, who has recently come up with a pen which you can chew on and entirely eat.
“When looking at the pen, I noticed you only really use the ink. The rest of the pen is just there for a better grip.” He says of the starting point for his idea.
Hakkens gathered a number of pens and looked closely at which ones were the best ones to chew on.

Armed with that information, he then made three different molds and started testing out different types of candy; investigating crucial pen chewing considerations such as the breaking points, flavours and which designs and textures ‘chew’ the best.
“When I found the shape and candy, I made a final model in peppermint flavour. The candy which is used doesn’t stick on anything and doesn’t feel dirty when you hold it in your hands or when eating it afterwards” he says.
Dave’s edible pen contains twenty pieces of candy and is filled with edible ink – the only thing which isn’t edible is the small point which you write with – and when it’s finished you throw this nib away or put it in a new re-fill pen.

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