foerstel : creative + results

a fish story you haven't heard before

clearspingstroutburgcropIt’s common knowledge that making fish a part of your diet instead of meat has many health benefits, and the subsequent popularity of fish as a protein source has created environmental problems keeping up with the demand.
One solution comes from our client Clear Springs Foods with their Premium Trout Burgers! Yes, that’s right I said Trout Burgers.

Clear Springs Rainbow Trout are farm-raised in concrete raceways fed by an abundance of crystal clear spring water [in] ideal growing conditions, combined with a commitment to quality and innovation. From egg to market, Clear Springs maintains control over every phase of production, delivering quality products year-round to customers throughout the world.

We loved working with Clear Springs Foods, not only because of their delicious products, but also because of their commitment to sustainability. Here’s a statement from their website where you can learn more on their efforts:

Sustainability efforts are supported by our state-of-the-art Research and Development center which monitors water quality in the springs and the Snake River, provides an array of fish health services to the farms, and maintains an active research program directed at further reducing environmental impact.

The burgers are not only earth-friendly, tasty and convenient, but low in calories and high in protein and Omega-3. And they come in a beautiful package, if we do say so ourselves!

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