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a bite sized movie

All work and no cupcakes makes Jack a dull boy. Photographer Davide Luciano and food stylist Claudia Ficca have collaborated once again to come up with a gastronomic series that will not only make you hungry, but will also make you tremble in fear.
Called ‘All Food and No Play’, the series pays tribute to one of horror’s classics and one of Stanley Kubrick’s most iconic films: The Shining. It playfully uses food items to re-enact famous moments from the movie. For instance, alphabet soup is used to spell out ‘redrum’, while the Grady twins are portrayed by a couple of cupcakes wrapped in pink bows.

“Kubrick has been a source of inspiration for me since my days as a film student’, Luciano told Mashable. ‘Claudia and I wanted to do something fun with food and film and so naturally the film The Shining came up”.

[via lost at e minor]

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