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7 Things That Can Hurt Your SEO Rankings

1. Optimizing for New Keywords

It is essential to optimize and re-optimize content on your website to improve its organic search rankings. While optimizing content is important, it is critical to be careful about the type of content you change on the page. It is possible to hurt your rankings if the changes made to the page decrease your content’s relevancy.

2. Hosting Duplicate Content

Having pages with the exact same content but listed under two or more URLs is harmful to your rankings. Users will not be able to see this as an issue, but search engines penalize this as it presents multiple issues as it analyzes data.

3. Hosting Thin Content

Thin content pages have very little content with value or no content at all. Having pages with thin content will drag down your site’s performance significantly. 

4. Misusing Noindex Tags and Robots.txt

Misusing robots.txt files and the meta robots noindex tag can entirely shut down search engine access to your website.

5. Changing URLs Without 301 Redirects

URL changes can happen for a multitude of different reasons. Search engines store all the information about pages according to the URL. If a URL changes, there must be a 301 redirect to tell the search engine where the information was transferred. 

6. Changing Navigation and Internal Linking

Navigation and internal linking are powerful elements that help with SEO. The header and footer of websites are valuable because they are relevant on every page of the entire website. 

7. Your Competitor is Doing More SEO Than You and Better

Chances are your competitor is also making an effort to optimize their website. One way to combat this frustration is to focus on the areas of your business where you can compete stronger and concentrate your efforts there.

Read more about SEO Ranking at

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