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5 Strategies to Maximize Revenue From Your Email Marketing

1. If You Can’t Send Good Emails, Send Nothing

Sending emails that do not connect with your audience hurts your bottom line. Wasting customers’ time and energy by sending them an email that does not resonate with them will decrease the chance of them buying from you in the future.

2. Do Your Homework

Conducting focused research on your customers to ensure you understand their buying patterns is essential. Some of the things you will be looking for in this research include:

  • What are their pain points?
  • Why did they search for your product?
  • What are their buying goals?
  • How do they feel before and after their purchase? 
  • How did their purchase impact their lives?

3. See Your Emails as Reusable Assets, Not Disposable Messages

Once you have finished conducting your customer research, you will find it much easier to put together emails that will drive your sales. From your research, you will have learned to address a customer’s:

  • Hooks
  • Pain points
  • Angles
  • Desires

Because these emails are created using reliable data, they should be treated as sales assets. 

4. Use a ‘Hot List’ During Your Launches and Evergreen Sequences

When you begin a launch, add a tag to every subscriber who clicks the link in the email to your sales page. Then, in the second half of the launch, send extra emails to only the subscribers that had already clicked the sales link. This strategy works because it targets the consumers who are already interested, and chances are, they want to hear more. 

5. Create Urgency Through Your Marketing

Creating urgency through marketing requires answering the question, “Why should I buy your offer now instead of later?” with a compelling reason. The easiest way to create urgency through an email campaign is to offer a special deal only within a specific time frame. 

Read more about Email Marketing at

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