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drywall relief

Bernie Mitchell is a drywall contractor that puts his creativity to work designing, constructing, sculpting and finishing specialty features in shoreline homes and cottages. Bernie started a simple form of relief in the early 1990s. In his profession as a drywall finisher, he was experimenting with raised panels on wall surfaces where natural light had a positive effect as a relief form.
Then he began using items such as wheat and barley stalks to leave impressions in the wet joint compound, and his experience with large pictorial carvings in leather led him to applying the same ideas as wall relief. Today, he prefers to use birds as his main subjects—blue heron, osprey and loons—but he also enjoys sculpting horses, wolves and dogs.
In the video above you get a behind-the-scenes look at Mitchell at work. The process is fascinating to watch as an artwork takes shape and comes to life. Bernie lived in Alberta, Canada for 23 years and he and his family currently live on Pigeon Lake, in Ontario, Canada. His pride and joy is a cedar strip canoe he built himself.
For more, check out his website and Facebook page.

[via twisted sifter]

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