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10 ways to get green on earth day

earth day garden
With April 22 fast approaching, we agree with our friends at Care2 that Earth Day is a holiday that deserves attention, and is worth celebrating.
We are a design firm deeply committed to all things organic and sustainable since 1985. We believe that Earth Day should be about giving back to the earth ~ appreciation for our environment and the small planet in which we all share.
The team at Foerstel is planning to get a little dirty and show the Earth some extra love while remembering that taking care of the only planet we have is something to be celebrated all year long!
What are you planning to do to celebrate Earth Day? Here are a few simple ideas from Care2 to help you get your Earth Day groove on!
1. Avoid running appliances – and keep the lights off turned off
2. Try to keep your car parked at home and opt to run, walk or pedal to your destination
3. Make a meal using only foods made with ingredients that have been sourced locally
4. Reap what you sow by planting a garden (even a simple container garden, or raised beds) will make you feel great and improve your carbon footprint
5. Make your yard look great by planting a tree and the fruit varieties will eventually provide you with healthy and delicious snacks
6. Try to indulge in meatless meals throughout the day
7. Do some exercises outside (yoga, cardio or weights)
8. If you already recycle, Sunday would be a great day to organize your containers. And, if you haven’t started, Earth Day would be a good day to learn about what items are recyclable and set up holding containers for the various items
9. Compost, compost, compost is nourishment for your garden and is a great way to dispose of food waste
10. Volunteer some of your time to your community. Find a mission that interests you and give back to help others.
Read the Care2 Inc article

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